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Estás leyendo From KPIs & dashboards to Customer Centricity and beyond

From KPIs & dashboards to Customer Centricity and beyond

The Valley Digital Business School
Formamos tu futuro digital


The digital analytics industry has moved from bitching about tools to defining objectives & KPIs, sweating about quality assurance (QA) of tagging and getting those bloody processes right related to for eg. campaign tracking.

We still regularly switch to new shiny toys unfortunately - from Adobe Analytics to Google Analytics Premium, anyone? – usually loosing in the process certainly data but most of all time, time to learn and evolve.

Basically, what we have mastered is to draw a line in the sand, take a snapshot of our current status through increasing data collection capabilities.

Should we rejoice? Should our journey stop here, leaving it at maximizing our conversion rates which will inevitably at best hover on average at around 2-5-% of visitors?

To answer that question, let me ask you another one: does an accountant make for a good CEO?

I often get the question related to tools: which is the best digital analytics tool? My answer remains: which is the best tool to write a book? Does this tool have any causal effect with the quality of the written material?

Let us try to move beyond that tactical debate

Data now seems to be everywhere, from digital properties to the Internet of Things, more and more companies are literally drowning in data!

Yet the data discourse is not a new phenomenon as CRM systems equally promised to bring about better understanding of customer needs and increased revenue. Arguably, companies have learnt to leverage the value of data through increased data driven decision-making related to process optimization such as financial control and logistics. The latter still being the number one use and success story related to Big Data, according to KPMG.

This presentation argues that in order to avoid previous mentioned pitfalls and move beyond your average conversion rate of 2%, companies can leverage the lessons learnt from web analytics, from collecting data to distributing it but mainly also the more recent development of digital analytics such as lean processes, collaborative teams and testing.

Please join us for a lively debate about current and future trends in data uses. You’ll learn which opportunities lie ahead while making sure you are also fully aware of the pitfalls that can be avoided in order to use data to pave the way for innovation.

Autora: Aurélie Pols, Chief Visionary Officer & Co-founder en Mind Your Group